Parkview Theatre is thankful to all of our community partners–your support makes it possible for us to bring quality theatre and theatre education to our community.
Parkview Theatre strives to offer high-quality theatrical productions, and ensure top-notch theatre education in our school and community. Theatre education does not end with the show; theatrical experience and training give students skills that are valuable in almost any endeavor they choose.
In addition, quality theatre has many inherent expenses, As we begin the school year, we ask for your support by purchasing a Playbill Ad to help offset these costs. These ads will be printed in our Season Playbill, and will be distributed at all of our main-stage productions. Last fall alone, almost 2,000 people attended our production of Mamma Mia. With The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee this spring, and other exciting shows to come, we expect to greatly exceed that number!
If you’d like to purchase an ad, please see the ad form below! If you need assistance or have any questions, please email [email protected] or call (417) 523-9305. If you would like, we are happy to come visit you in person as well!